
Help us with donations

War in Ukraine now is the worst nightmare for millions of people.
In fact, this war is bringing a horrible consequences for animals. During a long period of time our non-profit cat rescue organization “Wannacat” have been working hard on saving lives and finding families for homeless cats.
Two month ago we rescued 9 cats from Donetsk region – the place, where war with russian army was started in 2014 and the war is still there.
Now the war is against all Ukraine, we do not have safe space, future plans or any kind of confidence.
Now the infrastructure is ruined and lots of homeless animals are fated to die on the streets.
Lots of people are trying to get out of the country with their animals, but not all of them really can do it. Some of them stuck on the borders, some of them are locked into apartments trying to survive.
Nobody was prepared for war, nobody got enough food and water before it was started.
We barely can manage all of this, but at least we will try to do all we can to rescue our cats.

Now, as much as never before, we need your support.
Help us with donations🙏


Our Cats

Kotomir Kotomir
Київ, Україна
Khvistotsvit Khvistotsvit
Київ, Україна
Khutroslav Khutroslav
Київ, Україна
Vusolyub Vusolyub
Київ, Україна
Usul Usul
Київ, Україна
Zhupanchyk Zhupanchyk
Київ, Україна
Oksamyt Oksamyt
Київ, Україна
Balamut Balamut
Київ, Україна
Kremzlyk, Mazuryk Kremzlyk, Mazuryk
Київ, Україна
Keptaryk Keptaryk
Київ, Україна
Snych Snych
Київ, Україна
Oleksa Oleksa
Київ, Україна
Kohana Kohana
Київ, Україна
Malahij Malahij
Київ, Україна
Nika Nika
Київ, Україна
Hveska Hveska
Київ, Україна
Hnat Hnat
Київ, Україна
Trokhym Trokhym
Київ, Україна
Perun Perun
Київ, Україна
Dominic Dominic
Київ, Україна
Tosha Tosha
Київ, Україна
Saga Saga
Київ, Україна
Likeriya Likeriya
Київ, Україна
Galya Galya
Київ, Україна
Ustya Ustya
Київ, Україна
Smereka Smereka
Київ, Україна
Mafalda Mafalda
Київ, Україна
Perlina Perlina
Київ, Україна
Doshhik Doshhik
Київ, Україна
Yakilina Yakilina
Київ, Україна
Kvasolya Kvasolya
Київ, Україна
Gorlitsya Gorlitsya
Київ, Україна
Boggart Boggart
Київ, Україна
Iliada Iliada
Київ, Україна
Filius Filius
Київ, Україна
Minerva Minerva
Київ, Україна
Mykolay Mykolay
Київ, Україна
Saveliy Saveliy
Київ, Україна
Shepit Shepit
Київ, Україна
Zheronimo Zheronimo
Київ, Україна
Hedwig Hedwig
Київ, Україна
Radik Radik
Київ, Україна
Hmil Hmil
Київ, Україна
Vakhmurka Vakhmurka
Київ, Україна